The Situation
The client, the nation’s leading producer of construction aggregates (crushed stone, sand, and gravel) used in nearly all forms of construction, aspired to utilize resources to maximize margin while producing the right product mix at the optimal time using the most efficient processes. Their goal was to reduce costs and minimize waste. To accomplish this goal they elected to implement a custom designed proprietary software program as a tool to help the business units. In order to implement the software application throughout the company, the client needed a training development company to document the functionality of the software, develop training documentation and training systems to support the training implementation.
The Solution
Total Training Solutions consulted with management and technical personnel within the company to learn the software capabilities and determine training requirements. Total Training Solutions developed a comprehensive technical reference manual with detailed procedures and job aids both of which also served as participant materials for the classroom training. Total Training Solutions designed a multi-faceted training course that included business case scenarios where participants could practice using the functionality of the software based on specific work-related scenarios encountered on the job. Total Training Solutions’ facilitators supported the implementation rollout of the software for the company.
The Success
The software was successfully implemented within the pilot division. Through its use, the company was able to better position their plants to minimize waste products and overall reduce costs and increase profitability. The success of the implementation within the pilot division resulted in rolling out the application to other divisions of the company.